Cyanotype and Illustration

Recent Press for Iowa State Park Sticker Project

Added on by Naomi Friend.

The Iowa Park Sticker Project has received recent coverage in a variety of news outlets, attesting to the popularity of Iowa’s parks and public lands this year with the pandemic. Support for the project continues to grow, it’s a challenge to keep designs in stock some days! I am still designing new parks and ordering designs to stock the sticker shop on Etsy.


Landing in the Ames Tribune lead to a sticker frenzy, which was amplified by the story getting quickly picked up in the Des Moines Register (the special publication, Iowa Life) and the regional magazine Facets. Ronna Faaborg did an excellent job summarizing the project. It made me excited to make more stickers!

Watch the KCCI CHANNEL 8 News clip.

Producer Adam Brower came all the way to my house (under construction!) to do a quick interview about the stickers. It was a fun experience, if a little overwhelming, to be “in the spotlight!” But I was excited to get the chance to share the story with the community.


Suggestions and personal stories from your visits to Iowa parks are always welcome, share your experiences in the comments! I don’t intend to stop this project anytime soon.