Heirlooms is an exploration of heritage breed farm animals that are going extinct because of changing farm lifestyles. As in All That May Be, I visually compare the antique tools of cultivation and care with modern scientific ideas and structures. What place does our ecosystem have? Where does farming fit, and what does it mean to tend and keep in a culture of economies of scale? These pieces celebrate the character and individual beauty of animal breeds that were selected over many generations of farming in traditional lifestyles.
Nankin Bantam Chicken
12x12, Acrylic, Cyanotype and Spraypaint on Cotton. Sold.
Red Angus Cows
60x36, Acrylic, cyanotype and spraypaint on cotton. $3,900.
Dutch Belted Cow
12x12, Cyanotype and acrylic on cotton. $210
Highland Cow
12x12, Cyanotype, acrylic and spraypaint on cotton. $210
Belgian Hare Rabbit
18x18, Cyanotype, acrylic and spraypaint on cotton. $480
Jacob’s Sheep
6x6”, Cyanotype and acrylic on cotton. SOLD
At this time, I do not have gallery representation. Many more pieces are available but not shown on the website. To schedule a viewing, please contact me.